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What Landlords Should Know About Renting out a House with a Pool

Pools in hot climates are an attractive feature that helps landlords earn more rent money. Many tenants also love the idea of a swimming pool so they can beat the summer heat. However, renting out a house with a pool also comes with responsibilities and risks. Here are the top things you need to consider:

Parents with small children may not feel comfortable renting your property

Survey shows that millennials list pools as one of their desired amenities in a home. Even when on a budget, millennials want to be able to enjoy and have fun. However, families with small kids may not find your rental attractive for safety reasons.

Rules and regulations

Before you rent out a property with a swimming pool, be sure to find out if there are existing laws that require you to follow safety measures such as a pool fence and pool covers. But even if these things are not required by the law, it is still a good idea to have these safety measures in place to avoid liability. What if someone drowned in the pool? That person could be a tenant, a friend of one of your tenants, or a trespasser.

Keeping the pool well-maintained

Landlords should be responsible for keeping the water fresh, blue, and clean. As you can see, pool maintenance is a huge responsibility. Debris such as leaves and branches have to be removed. Filtration and heating systems should function properly. Typical maintenance tasks include vacuuming, skimming, testing pool water and adding chemicals, brushing off sediment from pool walls, and more.

Making pool instructions a part of the lease

Adding a swimming pool addendum to the lease agreement is a good idea as doing this protects yourself from liability. It also allows you to educate your tenants about pool safety. If you want your tenants to help maintain the pool, you should spell it out in the lease as well. They can perform simple routine maintenance tasks such as removing debris or covering the pool during “off season.”

Additional insurance coverage

If you bought a property with a swimming pool, you will need extra insurance coverage because of the hazards associated with pools. In-ground and above-ground pools may have different insurance policies. If you are confused about pool insurance, be sure to speak with your insurance agent.

If you plan to rent out a property with a pool, keep these considerations in mind. Safety is a top priority. Also, do not forget to include it in the lease and follow laws.

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